品茶 如同品咖啡 品花香也品果香
Tea Aesthetics in Everyday Life Make Pour Over Tea and Enjoy a Relaxing Moment
品茶 如同品咖啡 品花香也品果香
清幽細膩溫潤回甘 卻不似咖啡張揚
山氣茶韻 滋味卻無窮千大
Tasting tea is like tasting coffee; enjoy the floral and fruity scent.
fresh, subtle, gentle and with a sweet aftertaste but not as strong as coffee
with mountain scents and lasting tea tastes
嚴選新鮮茶葉,研磨至最佳顆度,讓茶葉瞬間浸潤 釋放出美味茶香。
Selected carefully the freshness tea-leaf and grind to a perfect-fine,
make the tea leafs brew instantly, gives our tea a wonderful aroma and taste,
everyone can enjoy a deep flavor of tea in anytime.